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Once a person enters our country by stealth or deception, they have broken the law and should be arrested, punished then deported. I propose that a continuation of the southern border wall be completed, and subsequently maintained by those people we catch entering the country illegally. They would be held in Federal detention centers and taken out in road crews to perform the labor of wall building. I also would introduce legislation calling for National Guard troops from the southern and northern states that border Mexico and Canada be utilized in aiding the Border Patrol with border security. The National Guard units would have two border patrol agents imbedded with each platoon. Once the lawbreakers have served their time, they would be deported to their home country. I do not believe in any form of amnesty for those who have crossed the border illegally. 









​The President of the United States has to answer to Congress and the American people. There is no way he should be allowed to continue in office. It has nothing to do with his race or his failed policies; it has everything to do with his lies to the people he works for - which are you and I. The failure of our current representative to draft impeachment papers against the President shows a lack of leadership. His duty to the 42nd District is to work for us and the best he can do is make the right decision on most votes. We need to charge into Washington, remove the sitting Congress through the election process and replace them with folks willing to face the media and say ”I am presenting impeachment papers against President Obama, Eric holder and Joe Biden for their lies, deceit and corruption. I will work with the new Speaker, because the current one needs to be replaced, and get to the bottom of Bengazi, the IRS, the cronies who donated money to the President and Democrats only to receive tens of millions in "Green Energy" research money that has produced only huge salaries for the CEO's of the companies. The NSA needs to be reigned in and strict oversight provided. The ranking member of the Senate and House Intelligence committees must be part of any warrant request for information made by the NSA. There is no way that the NSA is simply collecting this "metadata" and having it consist of just the sending and receiving phone numbers, and the length of the call. Who in their right mind can believe that information so limited can result in actionable intelligence? The only way to receive actionable intelligence is to know the information shared between the parties making the call. President Obama failed the Ambassador and three other brave Americans in Bengazi with his cowardice and greed. He has brought this country to the brink of ruin. It is time to return America to Americans who love this country. 




Taxation of Americans is at an all time high. The number of taxes and fees paid to the federal government is staggering! Yet, we can't take care of our veterans in need? We can't provide necessary quality of life items to our seniors on Medicare who have worked their entire life but can give away those same items to those who haven't paid into the system? By requiring all foreign aid to be given in strictly American made products rather than cash, we will provide a vibrant economy and a surge in job growth in the blue-collar job area. I would personally like to see a repeal of the entire tax code and exchange it with a national sales tax on durable goods. Companies would pay the same rate as the average individual. This would allow the wealthy to pay as they spend, since those with more money buy more things, they will continue to pay the majority of the taxes in America. I will propose legislation that would eliminate the tax code and replace it with a national sales tax. Let everyone who lives here pay his or her fair share of taxes. As it is now, drug dealers, people working illegally for cash, and many major corporations are not paying taxes. If a corporation needs ten thousand screws to build their products and they purchase those screws from China or any other foreign country, they should be taxed for the purchase price at the port of entry. It would be incentive to buy American made screws because the shipping is far less expensive than a freighter crossing the Pacific. It appears the war on drugs has been lost. However, those criminals still need to purchase household goods, let them pay taxes to the federal government so the government has the funds to make a genuine effort at reducing drug use in America.


Our current, long serving, Congressman, Ken Calvert, is on the record as being against any means testing for medicare coverage. I believe that those who, after retirement, that have combined assetts, excluding their home and vehicles, that are in excess of $450,000 annually should not be eligible for Medicare benefits. They don't need a government program to pay their insurance. I also believe that Medicare should be expanded for those who are eligible to collect it to include quality of life coverage for items seniors seriously need; such as dentures, hearing aids and medications to return a healthy sex life to their relationships. I would propose legislation to also remove the Social Security tax from wage earners pay. A portion of a national sales tax could be automatically linked to the Social Security trust fund as well as the other disability and medicare/medicaid trust funds. The solvency of these funds is of paramount importance.


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