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Putting your healthcare decisions in the hands of the government is like putting your life up as a bet on the poker table! When someone like Kathleen Seblius is charged with determining your need for a particular surgery or medication, you are gambling with your life!. Sara Palin rightly called the government officials charged with your healthcare "Death Panels." The federal government has grown into a monster and it must be tamed! Bureaucrats in the federal government created over 80,000 pages of new regulations that further restrict your freedoms and expand government. They do so in order to justify their existence. Healthcare alone has more new regulations than any other program. By a strictly party line vote, Obamacare was shoved down your throat. While I have the utmost respect for the office of the President, I hold President Barack Obama in utter distain. His failures are costing you money that you could better spend yourself. You know what you need. Are you a senior who needs birth control? Are you a woman who needs a prostate exam? Do any of you men require a mammogram? Give me a break! Wealth redistribution is not the way to go. We need government off our ass and industry to put people back to work. We need to reduce the government by one third. We need to maintain a fully trained and ready military. The government is here to defend us against enemies. Not to regulate us to death. I will fight for the people of the 42nd Congressional District by being vocal on the issues that concern us as a community, a state and a country. 












The Democrats would be happy to simply raise taxes on the wealthy and middle class workers to add revenue to the Social Security, Social Security Disability, Medicare/Medicaid Trust funds. The Republicans want to make unspecified changes. I am not going to vote for any broad based tax hike or any person who is unable to offer specific solutions. 


Our current Congressman for the 42nd District is on the record as being against any form of means testing for the disbursement of Social Security benefits. He and I disagree on this subject. Social Security at its inception was build as a safety net for seniors. If you are retired and still have an income through retirement accounts, pensions and investments in excess of $450,000 annually, you do not need the pittance provided by Social Security to survive. There are seniors who have worked their entire life, struggled to make ends meet at whatever profession they worked at while not receiving a pension. Social Security was intended for these folks. The use of means testing would extend the solvency of these trust funds. Under current law, people who earn less than $250,000 a year pay Social Security taxes on every dollar they earn. Those who continue to earn in excess of that number pay no further Social Security taxes. Here is one instance where I would not argue against ending that high earner tax break. However, IO would prefer a national sales tax and zero income tax or business tax or any other tax or fee to the federal government by any individual. Since life expectancy now far exceeds that of what it was when the Social Security program was put into place, I would suggest that the retirement age increase by one (1) year every five (5) years for twenty-five (25) years beginning in 2022.


Medicare benefits should be provided to everyone, no matter their income throughout retirement. Medical costs soar every year, we as a nation have long held in the belief that no one should be denied medical care.  I would propose that seniors covered under Medicare be provided additional benefits that would increase their quality of life. Things currently not covered by Medicare that should be include common senior use items such as Hearing aids and dentures. Common sense tell me that the folks who have earned their Medicare benefits should have at least the equal benefit that those receiving Medicaid are given. Medicaid provides these quality of life necessities. Medicare should as well. Most seniors are unable to come out of pocket for new dentures or hearing aids so they suffer. They needlessly suffer









Tax free medical savings accounts? Really? That is the Republican solution? Such a device would be great if you have money from birth, which most Americans do not have. If you start a medical savings account at age 18 and have a major heart attack at age 78 you will be able to cover the expenses. If you start saving at age 18 and develop leukemia at age 27, you are out of luck because you do not have enough savings. The current Obama Care law is a disaster. I would offer the following solution to replace it.


First, the IRS would have nothing to do with enforcement of any healthcare regulations implemented by the federal government. I believe firmly in the portion of the law requiring that those with pre-existing conditions be able to get insurance. It does raise insurance rates if it is simply a regulation imposed upon the insurance companies. I would like to see that the requirement be paid for by a government subsidy, not a tax credit. 


I would introduce legislation that would reform tort laws in medical malpractice suits and limit damages that the insurance companies would be liable for. If a court, jury or admission of gross negligence on the part of a physician or medical institution is found then I believe that person or company should be held liable for anything above any medical malpractice policy coverage. Coverage should be limited to that which a persons injury affects their life and earning potential. Punitive damages should be limited, thus reducing the premium costs doctors have to pay and reducing the cost of health care to the consumer. 


I would also back legislation for tax-free medical savings accounts for those with the money to utilize them. 


For the government to force a citizen to purchase anything I find offensive. Government should not tax you, as the Supreme Court decided Obama Care is, for failing to purchase something you may not need or want, or dictate the manner in which coverage must be provided. The consumer should be able to receive a policy tailored to their desires as far as coverage goes. 


I also believe that government should never violate the sanctity of the doctor patient relationship. It is difficult to find a doctor you trust. Once you do the government has no right to tell you that you can't see that doctor.


I believe in competition being the driving force in our society. That should include medical insurance coverage. Medical insurance should be able to be purchased from any carrier in any state. In order to do that, I would propose the formation of a private insurance billing network be constructed by the insurance agencies. 


I would propose legislation that would severely increase the penalty for Medicare/Medicaid fraud. If people were facing ten years in a federal prison for the first offence, they surely would have second thoughts. I would also propose that the fraud investigation unit be doubled. An investment in fraud detection and prevention will further reduce the cost of health care.




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