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The United States Constitution is, in my opinion, the greatest document ever written by man for the purpose of governing a nation of people. Sadly, the Executive branch of government is usurping the rights of the people by maneuvering around the protections provided by the Constitutional checks and balances that setting up three equal areas of government were intended to prevent.


The Executive branch appoints hundreds of bureaucrats. In turn, those political appointees facilitate the "Vision" of the Executive branch of government. I the case of President Barack Obama, his appointees in 2013 alone created over 80,000 new rules and  




regulations that affect the lives of the citizens of this country. Citizens like you. This President has used these political appointees to by-pass not only Congress, but the will of rhe people in his quest to create a quazi-socialist form of government. 


Recently, the Environmental; Protection Agency joined forces with the Departments of the Interior and Justice to hand over the town of Riverton, Wyoming to the Wind River Indian tribes. Regulatory agiencies simply undid a low and a history that is over 100 years old. They redistributed land belonging to the Stateof Wyoming and the residents of Riverton to a Sovergin Nation within the borders of our Nation.


There are vast tracks of land within the 42nd Congressional District that at one time belonged to various tribes and all of it at one time belonged to Mexico. If these Obamaized departments and agiencies are allowed to reverse laws passed by Congress' of the past with a simple edict or stroke of a pen, what is to keep them from reverting your land to tribes who would then own your property, leaving you holding a mortgauge for a property you will never have any equity in?


We, as citizens are the owners of our nation; until we give it away to the politicians by simply disengauging in the electoral process. The current disapproval rate for Congress is close to 80%, depending on the poll. Yet the voters continue to walk into a ballot boooth, recognize the name of the incombent, and send that person back to Washington. 


In order to protect your Constitutional rights we must have Congressional oversite of the regulatory process. I will propose legislation to that effect.




The rights that the Founding Father's of this country enumerated in the Bill of Rights hold a wisdom and a

vision that remains the epitome of excellence where the rights of the individual are concerned. However, there have been blatant attacks on those rights by government in an attempt to suppress our freedoms in the interest of creating bigger government. The meta data collection of phone records by the NSA is but one example. Who of you believes that all they collect is simply the phone numbers and duration of calls? There is no way to convert that limited information into actionable intelligence. They have to collect every conversation and run it through computers that notice key words and phrases in order to make a decision to take further action. Do they think we are stupid? They lie to Congress and the members of the Congressional committees simply accept the lies as truth. I will not accept the status quo. I will make inquires into the actual actions of the NSA spying program and I will be relentless. 


There has been a long time and ever increasing assault on the 2nd Amendment by the Democrats. As an ex-felon, I can tell you from experience, it is a lot easier to commit a crime against an unarmed person than one who is carrying a gun. I would have thought twice about doing some of the things I had done if Californians were able to easily carry concealed weapons. I know the criminal mind and that knowledge tells me that a criminal will not obey tougher gun laws. Honest citizens will be better protected if they are able to defend themselves from both criminals and governmental tyranny.


The use of governmental agencies to prevent groups of Americans from exercising their rights in any way is a direct violation of the Bill of Rights. Those people like those in the IRS who blocked Tea Party groups from organizing as non-profits, need to be prosecuted and imprisoned for their crimes. If those people are following orders from the White House, it needs to be discovered who in the White House made that order and that person must be prosecuted or, impeached and then prosecuted. 


As long as the voters in America fail to demand more from Washington, the more rights you and I will lose.  


I fully support the rights of the individual states to control their own destiny and fortunes as long as it does not interfere with the rights of the individual that are provided for in the United States Constitution and its Amendments. 


I do not believe that the federal government should be interfering in the classrooms of our children. It is my firm belief that each school district in each county should be charged with developing the curriculum for the student population in each of its schools. There is no "one size fits all" way to educate children who come from such diverse social, religious and economic backgrounds. Children need improved individual attention from their teachers. That requires hiring more teachers and reducing class sizes. When a teacher is allowed to know their students more fully, that teacher can better teach 

each student. With all of the government regulations imposed by the Department of Education upon the states, teachers end up with too many students and are stuck simply pushing their pupils toward passing the next test that the government says makes them proficient and therefore will provide continued funding to the school. This is crack-pot bureaucracy at its finest. 


Each state in the nation is capable of handling its own environmental protection policies. The federal government has recently eliminated the last lead smelting plant in the country by simply creating a regulation. The same is coming for coal operations.


Why should the federal government be in charge of oil, gas, mineral, logging, hunting and fishing rights in any state?

Those commodities are within the physical boundaries of the state and should be administered by the state.


The federal government's long time war on drugs has been a boondoggle from the start. It is time to rethink federal drug laws. By eliminating all drug laws, with the exception of smuggling across U.S. borders, the individual states would then be free to tackle the problem as it exists in their jurisdiction. There is no need to have the resources that the federal government commits to investigation and prosecution of crimes that the states already have laws for. If you want to reward a drug dealer, send him to a federal prison. For punishment, send him to a state prison. 






The Republican led Civil Rights Act of 1965 began the age of opportunity for all Americans. No longer could people be denied employment, housing, or access to a restaurant or a seat on a bus based upon race, religion, color, or creed. This applied not only to the black population, but to the Hispanic, the Jewish, the Native American, and everyone else that had been suffering the degradation of discrimination.


That effort was undermined by the Democrat led "War on Poverty". The very same President who signed the Civil Rights Act, under pressure from the Republican Party, caused it to fail in many aspects by following the Democrat led charge for a "War on Poverty". This war was never one that was intended to be won. The elite require a population of workers as well as a population of those who are reliant upon government assistance.


There is a way to drastically reduce poverty in America. Open drilling throughout the country for oil and natural gas so we achieve energy independence. The process will create jobs throughout the country for those of all educational and skill levels. The reduction of persons in need of government assistance is a goal that we should all embrace. It is time that work ethic become a subject that is in the forefront of every American's mind. In addition, by discontinuing cash aid to foreign countries and redirecting that into American made products and services we channel billions directly into the economy in a way that necessitates job growth. Lining the pockets of foreign government officials in no way creates a job for an American.


Civil Rights today comes with an entirely new set of questions. We have courts and states providing gay, lesbian and transgender rights that they had previously been denied. There are government housing projects filled with violence, most of it black on black or Hispanic on Hispanic. It is time to put an end to the thinking that creates this killing atmosphere. I have listened to black men in prison speak with venom in regards to the issue of slavery. They are holding a bitterness toward white people for something none of us alive today had anything to do with. It happened a long time ago. Should we forget it? No. Never. To forget the past is to repeat it. However, it its time to begin a dialog that doesn't include yelling and screaming and accusations so that the nation can move forward together as one. There is not a race of African-Americans or Mexican-Americans, or Irish -Americans or any other preface to being American. We are all Americans. Let us finally start respecting one another as people. Let us respect each other's property. Let us respect one another's religion or lack thereof. Finally, let us respect one another's opinions. It is through mutual respect that our attitudes get better and with a better attitude, we all are better off.


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